Apr 1 1976

April 1976

2018-05-23T00:28:32+00:00April 1st, 1976|

Presentation of a brief to the federal government’s Berger Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry hearings in Yellowknife. Entitled Colonial Patterns of Resource Development: A Case Study of the Native Peoples’ Struggle in the Amazon Basin of Brazil and its Implications for the Northwest Territories, the study was prepared jointly by the […]

Mar 7 1976

March 7-13, 1976

2018-05-23T00:28:32+00:00March 7th, 1976|

The National Week for Northwest Territories Land Claims saw teams of Indian, Metis and Inuit spokespersons from NWT move across the country telling the story of their struggle for a just settlement on their land claims. Some members of the CCCB Social Affairs Commission took part by speaking at various […]

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