Seeking Truth and Reconciliation2024-01-18T15:50:17+00:00

The Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle seeks to assist Catholics in their engagement with the Truth and Reconciliation process and its Calls to Action. The Circle seeks first to understand Indigenous Peoples and Spiritualities and their relationship to the Catholic Church. It is by honouring Indigenous peoples, cultures and spiritualities and by acknowledging with sadness the many failures of the past that the work of reconciliation can move forward.

The Circle recognizes that understanding and education must lead to action for reconciliation.


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Jan 92025

Indigenous Reconciliation Fund

January 9th, 2025|

Greetings friends,

The Indigenous Reconciliation Fund was established to accept donations from 73 Catholic Dioceses across the country and to advance healing and reconciliation initiatives, fulfilling the $30 million financial commitment made by Canada’s Bishops in September 2021. I am pleased to share […]

Oct 182024

For Every Francis, A Clare

October 18th, 2024|

Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle member Rosella Kinoshameg joins with women in ministry to meet with Pope Francis on the eve of the Synod. / Rosella Kinoshameg, member du Cercle Notre-Dame de Guadalupe, se joint aux femmes […]

Mar 92024


March 9th, 2024|

Une version française suit le texte en anglais.

Date: March 16, 2024

Time: BC 9:30 am >AB/SK 10:30 am >MB 11:30 am > ON/QC 12:30 pm >Atlantic 1:30pm >NFLD 2 pm

The Holy Rosary is a prayer that is common to all Catholics in this land and has been prayed for generations […]

Dec 52023

National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples

December 5th, 2023|

Une version française suit le texte en anglais.

On 12 December, Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, the Church in Canada celebrates the National Day of Prayer in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples. This year, we take a moment to recall the Holy Father’s Penitential Pilgrimage to […]

Apr 32023

Vatican Repudiates concepts in Doctrine of Discovery-Le Vatican rejète les concepts de la Doctrine de la découverte

April 3rd, 2023|

Une version française suit le texte en anglais.

As co-chairs of Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle we received the long-awaited statement from the Vatican repudiating the concepts of the Doctrine of Discovery with gratitude. These concepts, given expression through Papal Bulls issued during the age of European conquest, have provided […]

Jul 222022

Deep Dive Podcast into the Pope’s Visit-America Media

July 22nd, 2022|

In a special deep-dive episode of “Inside the Vatican,” residential school survivors, church leaders anda historian explain how and why Catholic religious orders like the Oblates of Mary Immaculate partnered with the Canadian government to operate schools that forcibly removed Indigenous children from the care of their parents-which flew in […]

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